Thursday, July 30, 2009

Did I always have sit bones?

Well, obviously I did. But seriously - I don't remember them being an issue when I was a kid. You just got on your bike and road. No padding in your shorts - just you and the bike. And I was a lot less fearful then. Going down hills was no big deal - I was a kid - I flew down them. As an adult, I'm slowly working up the courage to go down at more than 2 mph. I don't remember going up them being so bad either - just stand up in your seat and pedal harder. I'm getting there, but it's slow going getting back in biking shape. I wish I had never stopped riding - but that's what happens when you get a car. When I was a pre-teen, I would ride my bike all over. I remember riding to the Park & Rec summer camp that was on the other side of town. Not such a big deal. It's not that I did it every day, but it was not unusual for me to do it. Then I started driving a car. I tried to get back into biking about 8 years ago, but I had issues with the bike, had a minor biking accident (he drove his bike like he was drunk, but he looked about 8 yrs old, so I'm hoping he wasn't) and I found other ways to get exercise - or not. We have plans this time, ambitions, goals. One goal is to get my sit bones comfortable with the whole idea of biking! Another goal is to ride in a City bike ride that goes through all 5 boroughs next spring. And of course, there's the being fit and doing it together part - I like that one a lot.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happiness is...

...lots of things this week! I made it up the hills riding my bike two days in a row! I love watching Boomer running around the yard, just as happy as can be. Then just laying in the yard soaking up the sun just as happy as can be. I got a good review at work this week. We are headed off on vacation soon. I'm working on a couple of knitting projects that have me excited. And finally, the scale is beginning to turn in my direction again. Now, I just have to be careful not to blow it while on vacation. Oh - and just because - a pretty picture from my garden. And maybe a Boomer picture too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Miscellaneous Ramblings

I forgot to post pictures on Friday. Not to worry, I took some pics yesterday and will probably give you picture overload in the next day or so.

My sit bones hurt. We got bikes this week. We started riding Saturday morning. My sit bones are getting used to it. Bike shorts help - but despite feeling like the biggest GD sanitary napkin you ever wore, those little butt bones still make their presence known.

I need to work on hills. It doesn't help that my respiratory capabilities are a little compromised lately by this sinus thing I have going on. I can make medium hills, but the big ones - both up and down are a problem. I'm not comfortable flying down the hills like my husband. Way to stick together honey! And I had to walk up a couple of steep ones. And I'm thinking I really haven't seen steep.

When biking together, the lead biker should look back periodically to make sure the second biker is still there. One of us is good at this, one is not. Want to take a wild guess which one is not? Hint - he has a penis. Not sure if that has anything to do with it - but at some point, I may just have to clue him in that if he wants to get to continue to use said penis for pleasurable joint activities, he may want to look back once in a while to make sure his wife is still following.

We leave for vacation on Friday. We're not taking the Boom Doggie. He's getting a vacation of his own. I'm somewhat regretting that decision. I'm going to miss him. And I think he really enjoys going to the Cape. But, we intend to play golf and bike - be out doing stuff every day - so that would mean leaving him alone in the house or in the care of my mother and/or sister. We don't think it's fair to just dump our dog on my mom. Plus, part of me would be afraid that he would get loose. It's happened and he's not an easy dog to catch. In fact, he's pretty darn well impossible to catch until he's ready to be caught. That dog is fast. And smart. So, he's going to doggie day care/boarding for the week. He'll be happy and never know that he could have been at the beach.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happiness is....

....a lot of silly, simple things if you are a dog. I'm constantly amazed of how little - at least in my eyes - it takes to make my dog happy. Some days, it's nothing more than going outside in the yard and sitting in the sun. Or running around the yard. Or going for a walk and sniffing every tree and hydrant. And telephone pole. Some day - no make that every day - it's being asked "do you want to eat your dinner?" Incredible how happy that makes him! And let's not forget belly rubs - just heaven for a dog.

Don't you ever wish your life was as simple as a dog's?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Photos

As usual, some garden photos and a Boomer photo. As a bonus, at the end are the finished blankets for our friends who had twin girls recently. One's a brighter pink, done in a plainer pattern. The other is a paler pink, with a little more interest in the pattern. Now - on to the next blanket.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday Photos a day late

This is part of a series of photos I took yesterday - showing little Mr. Bumblebee hard at work in my garden. I am terrified of bees - thankfully a zoom lens let me stay a decent distance away, while still catching him doing his thing.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Random Thoughts

We got back from Seattle last night, tired and missing the sunshine! Our welcome back to NYworld included a rain storm as we went to our car with the luggage. Oh well. So - just some random thoughts here.

While having lunch on Wednesday, we saw this guy with a hat on that proclaimed "Ground Zero" and had an embroidered picture of the Trade Center. A little tasteless if you ask me. Who goes around with a hat that says "I visited the sight were 2,500 people were murdered."????? Then, as we walked by him to leave - he's also wearing a Hurricane Katrina t-shirt. This guy was a walking disaster advertisement!

Seattle is a lovely city. Hillier than I expected. (Is hillier a word?) There were a lot of homeless people/beggars, which really surprised me. We went to the Public Market - loved it. We also strayed out of town to Woodinvale to visit some wineries. High marks to Janiuk/Novelty Hill, low marks to Chateau Ste. Michel. I would say though that the Chateau itself and its grounds were lovely.

People in Seattle are super nice.

I think I may be over being a bitter bitch about the whole president of the association thing. I hope.

I miss my dog. I hope he had fun at doggie camp while we were gone. We'll be doing yard work and cleaning out the garage today - then off to get the Boom Doggie!

I came back with some fresh ideas for things to do at work. I feel a little revitalized! I'm going to work on doing more revenue forecasting for one.

It was good to see my friends - I wish that it were not just once a year. Some of us are planning to try to make it more often. That is such a wonderful bonus I got out of being on the board - the friendships are lasting.

I gained a couple of pounds with all of the good food and the alcohol and the lack of exercise - back to the diet today. I will take a diet-break tomorrow though, considering holiday calories don't count.

No pictures today - sorry. I was kind of busy this week.