Saturday, July 26, 2008

For love of my dog...

...I will do lots of things. Like - I will drive to the emergency vet in White Plains at 11 o'clock at night. Last night, Boomer didn't poop when we went out to do business at his usual time, so when he indicated he needed to go out again around 10:30 - out we went. We came back in, I crawled into bed, sent him to his. Next thing I know, he's walking around rubbing his body, his head in particular, on stuff. At first, I didn't think anything of it - sent him back to bed, rolled over once and helped him scratching - then I took a look at him. My poor baby was covered in hives. I can't freak out. A is working, I've got to deal with this. The poor animal was going nuts. I called the vets, they say bring him in. He calmed down some when I put him in the car - almost as if he knew we were going to take care of it. Well - I did tell him we were going to the vets to get him help, but I don't think he really understands English. Anyway, he was so good at the vets. They determined that he had been bitten by an insect of some kind, causing the reaction. They took his temp up his butt, gave him shots in his butt and he behaved so well. I was so proud of my little boy. While we waited to see if the shots were going to reduce the hives, we sat in the waiting room, along with another sick doggie. That dog just sat quietly. My dog sat and cried the whole time. The other owner asked what was wrong with him. She had never seen a dog cry like that. Now mind you - I don't think he was crying from pain or anything. He was sitting looking at the other dog crying because he saw a potential buddy and wanted to play. Anyway, sometime after midnight, we headed home. The hives are now gone. I'm tired, he's rested most of the day and has probably forgotten it all already. I don't know that I'll ever forget the sight of him covered in hives, desparately trying to itch his little body and get relief.


Aims said...

Poor Boomer! I'm glad he was so good for the vet, and he's better now. good for you for staying calm!

dinap said...

It sounds like Boomer was a trouper...glad he's feeling better!

Blissful said...

Awww! Poor Boomer. So glad that the hives went away.

annie said...

Poor Boomer! I remember when my old dog got stung - her face blew up like a balloon and she looked so miserable. I'm glad the shots worked for him!