Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happiness is....

.... a good wedding DJ. We went to a wedding this past Saturday. It was the 6th wedding we've been to over the past 2 years. (Note - in everyone the groom was a fireman.) This most recent wedding had the best DJ. He played a decent mix of slow songs and fast dance songs. He even threw in some Irish songs. I think the DJ makes a huge difference in how fun a wedding turns out to be. If there isn't a good mix of songs, people are not getting out there on the dance floor and the wedding can be a dud. This wedding was lots of fun in other ways. The whole gang from R-1 just made it fun. One of the best parts was when we got all of the current and former R-1 members and their spouses/girlfriends out in the hallway for a picture. What a hoot!

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