Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back on the diet train

I fell off.  How badly, I don't know.  I haven't looked at the scale in a while. I told A that we both need to get our acts together, set a goal to be in shape for our friend's wedding in the DR in September.  That certainly is plenty of time.  But I need to do something more immediate.  I'm dealing with a limited wardrobe because of just 5 or so pounds.  I really want to lose 10 - but even getting rid of 5 will open up my options wardrobe-wise, so I really need to get on it.  I also need to get back to my C25K program.  I was up to running for 25 minutes.  Then my latest cold while in San Antonio set me back.  I settled for walk 5, run 10, walk 5, run 10.  I think that's still pretty good.  My goal is to run a 5K before turning 50.  I don't think that the distance will be a problem, I can get there, but I want to get faster.  We'll see how it goes.

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