Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Be careful what you wish for...

You know how people always say that to you? Hinting that what you are wishing for may not be so good? I'm beginning to feel that way about something I asked for. Our former Town Treasurer was awful. The man was a misogynist and a bigot. He was rude and was becoming forgetful. That last part was really one of the worst things. He would forget to make deposits or send wires. Not so good for our bank accounts, that one. So - I, as you might imagined, wished that he would be replaced. He was. Now, sometimes I wish for him back. His replacement is a woman with a big ego and a big mouth - not the gossiping kind - just the endless yakking kind. I have my own big ego and one of these days, we will clash. Part of the problem we are having these days is that I control with whom we do our banking. She controls with whom we do our investing. She is constantly sticking her nose into my arena. I'm willing to listen to her ideas and explore new avenues, but she does not decide what goes on in my office. So there! :P

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