Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Silly Dog stuff

A. bought Boomer this rather large stuffed bowling pin. He, of course, has thoroughly enjoyed ripping it open, pulling out the squeakers and the stuffing. Last night, he pulled some more out. It is so much fun to watch him do this. He gets kind of frenzied sometimes. It's like this is what he lives for, what he was born to do - rip the stuffing out of toys! So - last night, he had pulled some out and started picking up the foam and tossing it in the air. I decided that this was not the best thing, so I started picking up the foam he was not currently carrying in his teeth. Well - kind of like a kid would do - he sees me picking up the foam and he decides he needs to hide what he already has - in his mouth. It was truly the funniest thing. My little doggie with his puffed out cheeks hiding his foam. Kind of like looking at me saying "no mom, I don't know where the rest is". I wish I had had a camera handy.

This morning - more silly stuff. Sometimes dogs see something that is outside the normal scene - like you've added a new decoration to the room - and they bark at it. Boomer did this when I was trying to decide what color to paint the bathroom, so I painted blocks of each color on the wall - he barked at the paint. So this morning, I'm taking him for his walk and he sees a garbage bag that the neighbor put out for pickup. Well - he gets in the stance and growls at the evil garbage bag. Too funny that dog! He was successful in scaring that bag. It did not attack us as we walked past. Later in that walk, my masculine doggie who was going to save me from the garbage bag, starts to cry when he sees a poodle being walked by his peoples across the street. He wanted to go play with the poodle and just gave this pitiful cries because he couldn't. Such a dog! I love this stuff!

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