Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Childless v Childfree

There's a difference you know. One involves a choice. One does not. One implies wanting, longing, sadness and despair. One declares a kind of liberation, freedom, happiness. For the childfree, there are the luxuries of not having children. For the childless, there are the sorrows of not having children. I am childless. It was not a choice. (see note below)

I do not deny that I have said things like "if we are not going to be able to have kids, then I want the benefits of not having kids." But I did not seek those benefits. So don't tell me they are a luxury. They are only a pitiful attempt at a salve for the wound of childlessness. Those benefits will never replace the joy of a child. I would trade the agonies of temper tantrums, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, teething, interrupted errands, endless laundry - all of it - all of the down side of parenting - all of it - over the benefits of not having children any day. A childfree person would not do that. A childless person would. I would.

Don't ever tell me how lucky I am to be able to sleep in because I don't have kids. Or be able to afford a nice car because I don't have kids. Or go on vacation because I don't have kids. Or go where I want, when I want and spend as much time as I want doing it because I don't have kids. I know I can. But I didn't want it that way. Saying that stuff is like pouring salt in my wound. That implies I made a choice instead of being handed a diagnosis. I will live with my wound. I will have a happy life despite my wound. But still, it is there. I am childless, not childfree. There is a difference.

(Side note - We can not have children naturally, we can not afford to adopt. I don't want to hear the "why don't you just adopt" response because that comes from ignorance of just what it takes to adopt both emotionally and financially.)


loribeth said...

As a fellow childless-not-by-choice person, this post makes me want to stand up & cheer. And give you a (((hug))). Thanks for saying it so very well.

dinap said...

Thanks again, Kate, for continuing to write about your experience in such an honest and truthful way. Thinking of you...

Alacrity said...

Absolutely! Great post - it should be required reading for, well, everybody.

AlwaysJoy said...


Aims said...

Just catching up. There is SUCH a huge difference. Huge. I wish more people realized that.