Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Year's Resolutions?

I'm not too big on New Year's resolutions - but I do have some goals.

As always - lose weight.  I put back on some of the weight I lost last year.  I want it back off.  Part of that is getting out of my holiday eating habits and back to normal ones.  I also need to kick up the exercise.  In general, I want to be healthy - and look good.

Reduce debt.  With the truck loan paid off, that amount will be going towards reducing debt and increasing savings.  I also plan to use the increased take home resulting from the reduced FICA tax for the year to reduce our debt.  I think we'll let A's increased take home go to savings, since his is less predictable.

Finish the sweater I started knitting for A about - ohhhh - 8 years ago.  I also would like to knit more for myself.  I want to knit myself an Aran sweater and a jacket.  I also want to knit mittens - for someone.  Don't know who, but it's something I want to tackle.

Learn to let go of the negatives in life and to anticipate them less, thereby reducing my stress.  Sometimes I prepare too much for the bad things I think may happen.  That causes me stress and why should I create stress for myself!

Stand up for myself when people do treat me poorly.  Again, this will reduce my stress load.

Continue to take Fridays off in the summer.  I loved that last year.  Also, look for a weekend when A & I can go to the Cape together.  My mother doesn't push things (unlike my MIL) but she mentioned that she has only seen A once since last Christmas - and that was when she spent the night with us on the way back home after having had emergency surgery down in New Jersey.  It wasn't much of a visit.  So, it would be nice to get out and see her - plus I just love the Cape.

Get myself to real live knitting stores more.  And take a lesson in something I don't know how to do yet in knitting or want to learn to do better.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Those sound like great resolutions. Ravelry has become so addictive lately and I found some great 2-stand mittens on there. Happy New Year! ~ Tricia