Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Having one of those moments...

...You know - the moments when I get all weepy and sad because I can't have kids. Sometimes the trigger kind of surprises me.  And I get all teary wanting a baby of my own. I'm finding that I can be happy for people I care about that get pregnant, but I'm not over the fact that I can't. I don't think I ever will be, I think that I'll just learn to live with it. I've knit several blankets and have a couple more planned and I like that - but that's also partly about the challenge of choosing a pattern and colors and the thrill of completing something and saying "I did that." I don't get sometimes why certain things hit my heart more than others. Strangely, I feel more longing for a baby when I see pictures of 6-12 month old kids than seeing newborns. It's kind of weird how somethings affect me and others don't. I wonder why that is - if it's some kind of memory thing. Well, in the end - it is what it is. Life is what it is and I just need to keep slogging through and focus on the bright and happy in my life. Problem is - I can do that all I want, but it doesn't make the sad stuff go away, just holds it a bay for a while.


Alacrity said...

I know exactly what you mean...hang in there.

loribeth said...

I know exactly what you mean too. If it's any comfort, I'm slogging along with you. (((hugs)))

mccashew said...

just wanted to say that I am thinking of you. not sure you want to hear that from me, but I mean it all the same. =) hugs