Friday, January 15, 2010

No Photo Friday

No photos today. I guess I haven't posted any in a while - but then I haven't taken any since Christmas. I was going to post some of those today, but decided on no photos. We heard last night that the brother of one of A's fellow firefighters in Rescue 1 was killed in the war yesterday. He had been able to make it home for his brother's wedding this summer - so good that they have a happy family memory. And last night some of A's other brother firefighters from R-1 were at Stewart Airport waiting to fly out to Haiti on a Rescue & Recovery Mission. Dealing with collapses is one of the things Rescue guys train for, so their skills will be helpful. So, God speed and God bless.

1 comment:

loribeth said...

Sorry for the loss of your friend.

I can't imagine what those guys are going to find when they go to Haiti. :(