Friday, October 07, 2005

October 7, 2005

I've been neglectful. Life has been eventful in the babymaking area. A week ago, went to the RE and he was only counting 3 follicles that would make it to harvesting, so he said we are going to do IUI. I go back Sunday thinking I am going to trigger that morning for a Mon/Tues IUI. The doctor walks in and starts talking IVF. Okay. He says the nurses convinced him he was being too strict. Okay. We get on with the ultrasound. I was really in good spirits. We joked about my lagger ovary. Well, it wasn't lagging anymore. I had blossomed over the weekend. I now had 6 candidates! Granted that wasn't as good as the 13 I had going into the last egg retrieval - but way better than 3! So - egg retrieval was Tuesday. Everything went smoothly. All 6 were mature, all fertilized natural, 4 of them looked good as of Wednesday. I go for the transfer today. I have not gotten a call cancelling, so there's at least one to transfer. All it takes is one - right? I'll keep repeating that and maybe believe it some day. So - we go on - PIO shots in the butt each morning, pills, pills, pills each night. The shots are the icky part. The needle is big. It doesn't hurt - except to look at it! :) After, I just feel like I pulled a muscle. I can deal with that. Once again, I realize how lucky I am to be married to my husband. He is just wonderful with all of this. He takes care of me. He does my shots when he is home. He's just the best. I love him so much!

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