Wednesday, January 02, 2013

26 Random Acts of Kindness

I'm working on 26 Random Acts of Kindness in honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.  I know that others are as well.  Mine tend to be really random - like just doing something when the opportunity presents itself.  I know others are more planned about how they are going to do them.  Either way works, I'm just not the type who can plan to go out today and pay for someone else's meal at the drive thru.  So, it may take me a lot longer to get to 26 than it has for some other people.  I'm at 4.  Two of mine have resulted in positive responses from the recipient that just made my day.  It does feel good.  It feels positive - which is an awesome way to remember the innocent children and hero teachers who were killed on 12-14-12. 
So, the moral of my story is - go out and practice random acts of kindness.  You don't need to do 26 just do some - because you will find that there are 2 beneficiaries of your kindness - the person you helped and yourself.

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