Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I did it again. I only painted two toes per foot. They are the only ones visible in my shoes - so that's all I did.

I took a bit of a long lunch today, but I shouldn't really have to confess that. I was with the boss and we were out supporting Town businesses and functions (read Cosi and the Farmers Market).

I have spent far too much time lately trying to decide what kind of car I want to get when my lease is up. It's not up until October - but I'm planning now.

I really need to get my guest bedroom cleaned up. I've needed to do this for weeks now. I just can't seem to get into doing it though.

I want another vacation. I just had one the beginning of this month, but I want another one now, this time with my husband.

Sometimes I really hate his (husband's) weird schedule. I wish he were home every evening. I know there are lots of positives about the days on/off thing, but sometimes, I just wish he were home each evening and weekend.

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