Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No happy post today

Today is a day with sad memories for me. The worst thing is that I feel alone in my sadness. I don't think anyone else realizes what today is - not even my husband. If our baby had been born and then died, everyone would remember, but because he never made it to being born, no one remembers today but me. It's not just the day I lost my baby either, it's the day I lost my dreams of being a mother, having a family of more than just me & A - the dream of a lifetime. So, I'm sure there will be moments today that I smile and maybe laugh, but it's just not a happiness day.


dinap said...

I'll be thinking of you and your baby today, Kate.

Aims said...

I'm thinking of you, Kate... and the baby you wanted so much. I can't understand how you feel -- but I can listen and support. If you want an ear, please reach out. Hugs to you.

annie said...

Lots and lots of (((hugs)))

Brenna said...

I only know second hand how difficult this is, mark the day in whatever way brings you any sort of peace. I'm sorry, Kate.