This is a vent post. I don't usually vent about my husband here - for good reason, he's a really good guy, but today, I just have to do it. He was off today, going in this afternoon for an evening tour. He was off yesterday too. Yesterday he felt sick. This morning, he felt fine. So - what did he do with his day. He got his hair cut. He went to see his friend Pete. Did he mow the lawn? No. He was supposed to do it yesterday - but okay, he was sick. Today - he had time to go see Pete, but not to mow the lawn. What the fuck did he do with the rest of the day? He was up when I left. He didn't walk the dog. He didn't do laundry - hasn't done laundry that wasn't his work laundry in ages. But - oh - he had time to go see Pete. Now - mind you - Pete's not sick or anything - this is just two guys hanging out together. I can't tell you how many times he hasn't done stuff at home, but he's had time to hang out with Pete. So - I'm just a bit annoyed. I work full time too. Sure, my work is not as physically demanding as his, but it seems that in my time off, I have to do the work around the house. I do 90% of it easy. I take out the garbage most times. I put the recycling out. I do the laundry, fold it and put it away. I do the grocery shopping. I wash the dishes and unload the dishwasher. I do the vacuuming. I strip and remake the bed. Several months ago, he said that he was going to make the bathroom his job. He would keep it clean. How many times has he cleaned it since then? NOT ONCE! Even when he went on his cleaning binge while I was at the Cape (the one where he organized my shoes and told me that now I have to keep them that way!) he didn't clean the bathroom. I had done that before I left. In fact, that's what sent him on his binge. I told him that when I came home, I wanted to see the bathroom as clean as it was when I left. That led him to say that he would clean the whole house. Since then - what's he done? Pretty much nothing. Cooked a few dinners. I can't say that I cook all the time - but I think it's fairly even. We actually don't get to eat dinner together most of the time because he's either working a night tour or getting off at 6 pm, which means by the time he showers and gets home, it's 8pm and I've long since eaten. Which leads me to another vent - the other day he told me "this business of having to pick up my dinner on the way home is getting old." So - I guess I need to start cooking him dinner. And what do I get? He tells me I'm sexy. This morning he commented that it had been a few days since we had sex.
Hmmmm - I've got an idea here! You want to get laid? Do a load of laundry once in a while. He'll do stuff - if I nag him. I tried just asking him to do 1 or 2 things a day, maybe 3 if they were all small. That worked some times. It really doesn't work for mowing the lawn though - witness today. I'll mow it - but I really don't like doing it. Sometimes it just has to be done because it starts looking
skelly. It's a pain in the ass. We have trees and tree stumps. We have a sidewalk in the middle of the front yard. We have a picnic table that has to be moved around. We have a side strip that's not a nice uniform shape. It's a freaking pain. The yard was supposed to be his thing. We were going to have the greatest lawn in the neighborhood because he was really fanatical about it. I used to hear all about the yard he had with his first house and how it was the best in the neighborhood. I'm beginning to think they lived in a pretty
skanky neighborhood. But okay - I help with the yard. I do it without his asking. Like the grass he's trying to grow around the tree and the stumps. I put the sprinkler on it for him. Do you think he would think to water my flower gardens or put the sprinkler on them? Not if I don't ask. I'm tired of it. I'm not a perfect housekeeper, but I do it when it needs to get done. Why can't he? Why can't he see that the laundry basket is overflowing and do a load? This is one of my busiest times of the year. I should have been prepping for my audit tonight - not out there mowing the lawn. But hey - he got to visit with Pete. He doesn't seem to realize that he needs to put me and our home first in his life. He needs to make that more of a priority than hanging out with Pete. I need to sit down with him and talk to him about it or I'm going to blow soon. For now though - I've got to go. I've got a load of laundry that needs to be moved to the dryer.