Thursday, January 26, 2012

He had a good run

I went to a funeral yesterday.  It was for my uncle.  He was 102, almost 103 when he died.  His body had failed him in recent years, but his mind was sharp.  He was a good man, kind and gentle.  He was a trailblazer in our family - a Protestant of English heritage marrying into an Irish Roman Catholic family.  My aunt, his wife was my grandmother's sister and the sister most like my grandmother making her especially beloved to us.  She always catered to him.  But then, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  She couldn't do what she once did.  And then, he catered to her.  He truly lived the vows of "for better or worse, in sickness and in health".  Imagine at 102, all the things that happened in his lifetime - inventions, world history.  A couple of relatives spoke at his funeral, telling the lessons they had learned from him about how to live a good, long life.  From the funny - eat ice cream every day - to the practical - stay physically active - to the spiritual - love your family - they were good lessons.  It was sad to say goodbye to Uncle M yesterday, but he had a good long run and we were blessed that he was part of the family.  Godspeed Uncle M.


Erin said...

So sorry to hear about your Uncle. Definitely sounds like he had a great life though. {{HUGS}}

Brenna said...

A spectacular run, and full of love, from what it sounds like. I'm sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful little tribute to his life.

loribeth said...

102, wow! Bless him. :)