Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happiness is...

...sleeping in your own bed. I love my bed. I sleep well in my bed. I have difficulty sleeping in strange beds. Usually after a night or two in a strange bed, I sleep okay. The one exception is my mother's house. I think it's something to do with being on the Cape, something in the air that just makes me always sleep well there. Come to think about it, I always sleep well at my sister's house on the Cape too - so it must be the air. I am envious of people who can fall asleep anywhere - in the car, on a train, on a plane. I can't. I'll sometimes fall asleep in the car or on a plane, but not easily, certainly not quickly. The first night back from a trip - sleep always feels better, back in my own bed with my very comfortable mattress. Definitely a happy thing.

1 comment:

annie said...

Completely agree!! The only other bed I sleep great in is the one in my parents house in CT - but that will always be *my* bed, so maybe that's part of it!